Efficient Network Calculation
PSS/SINCAL Interface to Smallworld GIS
With the PSS/SINCAL interface, the data available in Smallworld GIS is used for the calculations in order to avoid double data storage, to accelerate the calculations and to increase effectiveness. The results are interpreted using the complete range of functions in SINCAL.
The SINCAL interface consists of the Preprocessing Engine and the SINCAL Output Module. Based on the Preprocessing Engine, it is possible to use the data available in the Smallworld GIS for the calculation in order to avoid double data storage, to accelerate the calculations and to increase the effectiveness.
Data is exported from the GIS to the SINCAL database. The results are displayed and interpreted using the complete range of functions in SINCAL.

- All data for the calculation is contained in the central GIS database. This way, data maintenance takes place in the familiar system and maximum data consistency is achieved. Diverging update statuses between the databases are avoided.
- Planning can be carried out on the basis of the actual network status and is therefore up to date. In addition, planning states can be constantly extended and modified (alternative concept). The planning data can be transferred to other special systems for cost calculation purposes.
- The interface prepares all data necessary for the network calculation in complete form, so that no time-consuming data post-processing is necessary.
- The analysis and presentation tools of the network calculation programs are directly available for the GIS user. In addition, the calculation results are available at any time.
- The interfaces are freely configurable. Adaptations are possible without programming effort.
- Prepared data selection variants, for example, automatically compile closed and plausible network data and the data preparation is automated with minimum effort for the user.
Ulrike Sachs, SIEMENS AG
SIEMENS AG and Mettenmeier GmbH have agreed on the provision of a SIEMENS certified interface between the Smallworld NRMs and PSS/SINCAL. Due to the technical participation of SIEMENS, the interface will be optimally adapted to PSS/SINCAL as well as to the Smallworld NRMs Electricity, Gas, Water and District Heating.
- DEW21
- NEW Netz
- Technichal Utilities Osning GmbH
- Public Utilities Salzuflen
- Public Utilities Gütersloh
- Westfalen Weser Netz

Mettenmeier is your certified Smallworld service provider