Smallworld GIS
The NRM ALKIS is used to collect and maintain official surveying data in the AFIS-ALKIS-ATKIS® data model.
The goal is to record the data of the real estate cadastre, the official fixed points of the property survey as well as the topographic maps of the property survey. Specific data model variations are set with the aid of configuration files. The ALKIS data collection system is supplied in two versions. The basic version is aimed at energy suppliers, network operators and municipalities who require geodata as background information for their own specialist systems or who pass on cadastral data in the form of inventory data, map extracts and certificates to third parties without themselves being cadastral authorities.
The NRM ALKIS contains the complete AAA data model (AFIS-ALKIS-ATKIS®). The data of the real estate cadaster (ALB, ALK and Punktdatei), the data of the topographical-cartographic models (ATKIS) and the fixed point information of the surveying are raised thereby on a uniform description level. Conceptually, the AAA data model is designed to store the aforementioned data in a single database. Using a configuration editor, the customer sets specific visibility levels at object and attribute level in the NRM ALKIS. The extent of the basic data set can also be configured. Preset configuration files are delivered with the product.
ALKIS VE serves the integrated data management and information of cadastral data in the ALKIS® data model and is ideal for energy suppliers and network operators who need cadastral data as background information for their own specialist systems and work processes.
The ALKIS model is an object-oriented Smallworld data model in which all advantages of the ALKIS scheme are also considered for secondary users. The objects relevant for the cadastre and the national surveying with corresponding attribution are stored there, so that supranational data can also be stored in a homogeneous database. In addition, the ALKIS VE NRM is equipped to map homogeneous data from different ALKIS suppliers, e.g. from different federal states, together.
The advantages are obvious
- Quality-checked NRM for the Smallworld GIS
- Consideration of current changes in GeoInfoDok
- Modern and efficient data update via NAS in XML format
- Simple data update in a standardised procedure
- History management
- Mapping of a unifrom ALKIS signature catalog
- Homogeneous information on cadastral data even from different federal states
- Integration of cadastral information in GIS standard tools such as Smallworld Explorer
- Consideration of all ALKIS particularities, e.g. the determination of uses