Conversion Strategies and Service Packages
The introduction of ALKIS and the conversion of existing data sets from the formerly used Gauss-Krüger coordinates to the new ETRS89/UTM coordinate system is on the agenda of utility companies and other secondary data users.
The future use of your ALKIS solution for utility network documentation should be tailored to your individual requirements and technologies. Even the conversion from Gauss-Krüger to UTM coordinates is not a linear transformation.
Service Packages
Mettenmeier offers the following services to ensure an optimal conversion:
We offer individual advice on ALKIS and ETRS89/UTM.
- Background information
- Information on the status and technical details of the ALKIS and ETRS89/UTM conversion in your supply area and its effects on your network documentation.
- Explanation of the extended possibilities of ALKIS data
- Recommendations for your future geodata management strategy
- Presentation of different solution variants for the ALKIS changeover in order to ideally map your requirements
- Initial consultation on the ETRS89/UTM transformation with information on specific dependencies of the ALKIS conversion in your network area, information on the technical implementation and the effects on the network data
On site we analyse your current geodata with regard to ALKIS and the ETRS-89/UTM transformation. Among other things, we take your current cadastral basis and its homogeneity to the respective network areas into account.
As part of the analysis of your network data, we check the existence of your own cadastral/topographic data, the quality of the network data with regard to the location reference and the effects of the transformation and, together with you, assess whether additional adjustment of the GIS data is necessary.
As a result, you will receive a conversion concept as a specific decision-making aid for the procedure of converting your geodata.
After the analysis of your data and depending on the results, we can carry out the transformation of your network and specialist databases for you, in order to convert them from the previous Gauss-Krüger coordinates to the new ETRS89/UTM coordinate system. You deliver your current databases and receive them back transformed.
Additional Services
In addition to the service packages, we are also a competent partner in all questions on the subject of ALKIS, for example for:
- ALKIS license sales
- Installation and configuration of the selected ALKIS software
- Implementation of the first import as well as the difference data import
- Individual training for the operation of the NAS interface for the initial data import as well as for the use of the chosen solution
- Adjustment of your data
- Hosting of your spatial database